Spirituality with both feet on the ground

New: “Spirituality with both feet on the ground – An essay how a down-to-earth approach to spirituality can enrich your life

This personal web page is about down-to-earth spirituality.

Click here to read my essay Spirituality with both feet on the ground.

Please sign up here for the email alert list for follow-up activities.

The essay explores how a down-to-earth approach to spirituality can lighten your life, away from dogma and airy-fairy beliefs. Read it to discover how this can bring you closer to yourself, and as a provider of spiritual guidance and activities, increase your outreach.
I hope the content will inspire you and enrich your life and that of those around you. It certainly made my life lighter. Please share it with anyone you think might be interested. Follow-up activities on the topic, such as a podcast or a webinar, will be announced on this web page and via the email alert list (see above).

Readers feedback on the Dutch blog episodes that formed the basis for this essay in English:

“Very clearly written, looking forward to the next blog episode”

“My compliments for the entire blog. I found it clear, enlightening, and comforting to find that someone with an academic background is also concerned with this subject”

“Thanks for the in-depth blog”

“The content of the latest episode was immediately applicable for me”

“Clear explanation of spirituality and science”

“For me, spiritual growth is about going through inner processes. It is a gift to start investigating it and makes my life more meaningful. But do it with both feet on the ground. It is good to pause for a moment and reflect on that after reading this blog”

“Curious to how you will shape any follow-up”

About the Author
Arthur ten Wolde holds a PhD in physics with level-2 certification as a Spiral Dynamics Integral Practitioner from the School of Synnervation, and a certificate of participation in the Character Structures and Biodanza training by Vivencia. He has also participated in two Diamond Heart Europe retreats of Almaas’ Ridhwan School, and took years of training at the Amsterdam School of Biodanza.
He lives in Haarlem, the Netherlands. His work is aimed at accelerating and mainstreaming the transition to a sustainable economy via his company Circular Future.
In this capacity, besides other assignments, he is the Executive Director of the European Sustainable Business Federation Ecopreneur.eu in Brussels.