Circular Future

Circular Future is a one person business that aims to accelerate and mainstream the circular economy through public affairs and consultancy for business (associations, large companies and SMEs) and governments (municipalities, regional governments and other authorities).

Owner and founder Arthur ten Wolde (1963) is the Executive Director of, the European Sustainable Business Federation in Brussels. represents about 5.000 SMEs and larger companies committed to sustainability across sectors and EU Member States, many of them pioneering circular business models.

In addition, as Head and Owner of Circular Future Arthur advises companies (both SMEs and large companies) and governmental organisations such as the Dutch government (CIRCO), the OECD, EESC, provinces and municipalities about the circular economy. His main drive is to contribute, with the biggest possible impact, to accelerating and mainstreaming the circular economy.  As a CIRCO Trainer, he regularly trains a group of SMEs on circular design.

Arthur ten Wolde is internationally recognised as a circular economy expert, motivational speaker and (co-)author of several reports and numerous articles in magazines. Before, he worked on sustainability and innovation for a Dutch think tank, where he became coordinator circular economy, and on innovation policy for the Confederation of Netherlands Industries and Employers VNO-NCW, where he lay the foundations for the Dutch SEED Facility providing risk capital for innovative start-up companies. He has a PhD in experimental physics and started his career as a polymer technologist.

Circular Future is listed under number 63561026 at the Dutch Chambers of Commerce.

For more information see:

Arthur as CIRCO Trainer (in the centre) with the participants of the CIRCO Track “Circular Business Design” for SMEs in the Amsterdam Impact Hub, March 2023