
haarlem-logo 1024x768Tampere logoLogo Enecologo-rotterdamRebel-logoEvolv logoethica-logo-englanti-slogan-sininen-background


Logo DGZ (2016 – present)

MVO-Nederland (2015, 2018 – present)

Click NL / CIRCO Programme (2019 – present)

Niras Warsaw (2020)

Centrale Bank van Aruba (2019)

European Economic and Social Committee (EESC, 2017, 2024)

Eneco (2017)

Municipality of Haarlem through Evolv (2016)

Municipality of Rotterdam through Rebel (2015)

Municipality of Tampere, Finland, through Ethica and Solved (2016)

OECD, via the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management (2018-2019)

Provincie Fryslân (2018)

Powered by Meaning (2016)

Springtij Forum for Sustainability (2015)

Former clients:

Dutch Sustainable Business (De Groene Zaak, 2014 – 2017, contract taken over by MVO Nederland)

Centre for Global Socio-Economic Change – contract ended December 4, 2015